We support you from A to Z


We train your champions

Name a few champions and we’ll train them so you can become fully autonomous in using the SynapsCore platform. You can then create your own collaborative programs and take on the most ambitious challenges through the sheer power of your collective intelligence.


We support your managers

Learn how to harness the power of collective intelligence by adopting the best practices of participative management.

Our consultants will help you adopt the right postures and set up simple, effective rituals that will give your teams the desire to commit themselves fully to progress.


We ensure the success of your projects

We guide you in the design and implementation of your major transformation projects. Our senior consultants work with you to create customized strategies aligned with your transformation objectives. They configure the FIFO platform for you and tailor the programs to your objectives and corporate culture.

You are a consultant, trainer, coach, interim manager, expert, …


Our SynapsCore solution – Performance optimization and organizational agility

We have developed a revolutionary technology to optimize business agility and performance.Our solution is used by thousands of people to choose, connect and manage...

Words are important

We don't manage by objectives: we pilot the objectives and manage the women and men. MBO (management by objectives) has a negative image because the terminology used...

The art of setting effective goals and key results

Today I'm talking about performance indicators ... Leading vs. Lagging (advanced / delayed) Outcome vs. Output (why / how) When you analyze the individual and...