Blog Synapscore

Words are important

We don't manage by objectives: we pilot the objectives and manage the women and men. MBO (management by objectives) has a negative image because the...

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Words are important

We don't manage by objectives: we pilot the objectives and manage the women and men. MBO (management by objectives) has a negative image because the terminology used suggests that objectives take precedence over people. This idea is reinforced by other dubious...

The art of setting effective goals and key results

Today I'm talking about performance indicators ... Leading vs. Lagging (advanced / delayed) Outcome vs. Output (why / how) When you analyze the individual and collective objectives of a company, you can get a fairly accurate picture of the management culture by...

Are we “programmed” to let our own house burn down?

Behind every decision is a motivation and behind every motivation is a need. According to Maslow, we seek to satisfy our needs in a certain order and our number one priority is to satisfy our basic physiological needs. A hungry person will put his or her life in...

The time of liquid organizations

The forces at work in the knowledge economy require a complete paradigm shift in the way organizations are thought of and managed. This revolution concerns all forms of organization. The hierarchical organization has made the success of large industrial companies....

The main causes of a breach of contract

- one of the parties has pulled too hard on the rope - the rope has broken due to natural wear - an external factor has weakened the rope Every organization is a meta individual with its own Maslow's pyramid that seeks to satisfy desires (goals): to be financially...

The art and science of defining effective OKRs

How to find the right balance between directive and participative modes? When using the OKR methodology to deploy strategic objectives, the cycle starts with the President defining the 3 to 5 key objectives of the company: - Develop our business in Asia - Reduce...

Double inversion of the logic of the deployment of objectives

Management books teach that the deployment of strategy is done (1) from the long-term to the short-term and (2) from the top of the organization to the bottom of the organization. But in a liquid organization, the deployment of the strategy can follow a completely...

As is often the case in high tech, what is complicated is not seen.

In a matrix organization, the main challenge of management by objectives is not vertical alignment: it is horizontal consistency. Horizontal coherence helps to break down silos. It implies being able to connect and synchronize the objectives of teams belonging to...